FACEBOOK LIVE, MAY 30TH 2020 - The 2020 Top Choice Awards brought businesses and communities from across North America together with the first-ever online award show in the company’s 15 years this weekend. The event, transitioned online to transcend COVID-19 restrictions, commemorated the winners of the 2020 Top Choice Award who accepted their award from their homes while connecting them with their supporters, their local community, and viewers from all across the globe who were all eager to support local.
The online event featured Top Choice Award winners ranging from local bakeries, hair salons, restoration companies, dance schools, and much more who thanked their supporters for voting them Top Choice in their city and left heartfelt messages about adapting, staying positive and remaining united!
“Let's show the world what we can brag about tonight. The fact that COVID-19 did not stop the show, it will go on and tonight we will recognize your amazing achievement” said Scott Fox, co-host of the awards show along with Kat Callaghan. The impressive duo also hosts 91.5 The Beat’s morning show and The Scott & Kat’s After 9 Podcast.
“What 2020 didn’t know is that challenges are enjoyed by Top Choice Award winners and small business owners,” says David Silvestre, one of the event organizers, who refers to small business owners as the new economic front line workers for the challenges they’re faced with at this time. “Congratulations to everyone who [has been] open-minded to what has happened, for the innovation you have put forward into your business into your employees and everyone who's around you. We applaud you.” adds event organizer Monica Couto.
At home, viewers were encouraged to order in from their favourite local restaurants, grab a drink and enjoy the show while having the chance to win $100 every 15 minutes for supporting local.
The event featured performances from all kinds of acts including JessGo and her team who painted love into the show, Dr. Draw who sent electric vibes through the screen, Edwin the Illusionist who brought magic into the evening and Tropicana Queens who ended the show with uplifting energy through the art of Samba!
The event was brought to us by Vaughan’s beloved Tasios Orthodontics and Ottawa’s popular Davies Law Firm. Their support has greatly contributed to the 15th Annual Top Choice Awards being one of the most successful online business award shows of all time.
If you missed the 2020 Top Choice Awards Online Edition, you can catch the re-run here: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=252752929162453
Be sure to nominate your favourite local businesses for the 2021 Top Choice Award HERE
“About the Top Choice Award
Top Choice Awards is an international market research firm, focusing on the experience of the customers. Since 2005, winners are released annually to recognize and showcase the most trusted and appealing service organizations and businesses in over 28 markets surveyed. Top Choice Awards collects and reviews the opinions of thousands of customers annually. The results of those studies are used by companies to improve customer satisfaction and business development while their winner lists provide customers with the power to enjoy Top quality experiences through making educated purchase decisions.”